| 1. | Certificate of fire service installations and equipment 消防装置及设备证书 |
| 2. | Provision of fire services installation and equipment 提供消防装置和设备 |
| 3. | Fire fighting installations and equipment in toll road tunnels 收费行车隧道设置的消防装备 |
| 4. | Code of practice for minimum fire service installations and equipment 最低限度之消防装置及设备守则 |
| 5. | Protection against electric shock - common aspects for installation and equipment 装置和设备的通用部分 |
| 6. | Lcq9 : business installations and equipment loan guarantee scheme 立法会第九题:营运设备及器材信贷保证计划 |
| 7. | Protection against electric shock - common aspects for installation and equipment 电击防护.装置和设备的通用概念 |
| 8. | Protection against electric shock - common aspects for installation and equipment 电击防护.安装和设备的常见问题 |
| 9. | En 1532 installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas . ship to shore interface 液化天然气装置和设备.海对岸运输 |
| 10. | Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas - ship to shore interface 液化天然气设施和设备.船舶与海岸之间的交接 |